about this website

this website is a project to reduce the energy consumption of my portfolio-website

a screenshot of a markdown file

a screenshot of a markdown file

While learning about how servers and the web work and how evermore sites get data- and therefore energy-consumption-heavy, I got inspired to tackle this project of making my website as light as possible.
I have decided for myself that having a website is important to me to be able to share my works, but have decided to not include videos for now. I also use the word ‘sustainable’ as a snapshot of my knowledge at the moment of creating this website, knowing that it will change the more i learn and am excited for any inputs or feedback.

interesting resources:
“why a low-tech website?”
httparchive page weight report
cyberfeminism index

This is an ongoing project to me and i would love to develop it further and maybe even build a solar-powered server in order to host the website myself, rather than hosting it on github pages, where it is at the moment.

This website builds on the code developped and provided with [… license] by the low<-tech solar website https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/

the website takes the default typeface of your browser, so it doesn’t have to load typefaces.

The documentation pages are built in Markdown, that gets turned into pages with the static site generator hugo.
The pages are static, the design is very minimal and the standard-settings your browser has are overwritten as little as possible.
All images are dithered and colorized using a script also provided by low<–tech to make them less ressource-intensive.

If you find any bugs or inconsistencies please feel free to contact me, I am happy to receive feedback!


find the code to this website on github: https://github.com/mattnaegi/portfolio-website


this website was created by me on the base of v2 of the solar low<–tech website. it was designed by “Marie Otsuka and Roel Roscam Abbing, the same people who were behind the first solar design. Marie Verdeil assisted throughout the process and coordinated the migration of the website.” source code