
BA interaction design

how our way of remembering information has changed

an essay written in FS 22 for the module Design Methodologie taught by Joëlle Bitton and Mona Neubauer


a wearable helmet that translates auditory and visual inputs into haptic feedback through vibrations. Once a certain threshold is reached, the helmet enters shutdown mode. This is to simulate sensory overstimulation and the physical aspects it comes with.

capturing light

multi-material, multi-media light installation, conducted during the Soft Architecture module


doing & undoing – deconstructing creativity through quatsch

the evolution of alienation

an essay written in HS 21 for the module Inter-Action Design taught by Verena Ziegler


interactive graphic poster on hate speech designed for three screens at Museum für Gestaltung Zürich in collaboration with University of Zürich


a dress made to highlight the sexiness of movement, rather than shape & form of bodies