– living traces – 「生活的痕跡」

a group project dealing with collective and individual memory, that was realized during Transcultural Collaboration 2023, in Taipei, Taiwan

in context of: Transcultural Collaboration 2023 mentors: Daniel Späti, Nuria Krämer, Dimitri de Pierrot, in collaboration with: Esme Chuyi Wang, Martha Oelschläger, Leo Barton exhibited at: C-Lab Taipei (Taipei Contemporary Culture Center)

a view of visitors inside the installation

a view of visitors inside the installation


Surrounded by traces. Regardless if their origins are internal or external, all of these traces are deeply tied to the traces of others. In turn forming a collective system of memory, which exerts influence on groups and individuals, often in unforeseen ways.
Which traces are yours?
Where do they connect?
At its base, whether active or passive, constructive or destructive, loud or quiet, present or past, all members of the collective contribute to this larger system of memory.

Adopting the form of a Taiwanese night-market stall, – living traces – hosts a space to replicate such a system, on a small scale. The audience is invited to leave traces and engage as much as they feel comfortable with.








a front view of the installation

a front view of the installation


Taking the form of an iconic Taiwanese night-market stall, the audience slowly discovers the various media and experiences to be had within –living traces –.
First, the viewer will encounter the curtained beige pavilion, partially hiding its content and evoking curiosity. Stepping in, the circular aluminium table and lazy Susan surrounded by red plastic stools invites visitors to sit.

檯面已然擺放整齊,然而其中卻沒有餐具或食物。便簽紙和筆擺放在各個客人的菜單之前,令人思考的提問而非食物印在菜單上,令每一個座位生 色。檯面中央的轉盤被觀眾寫滿答案的便簽紙覆蓋。觀者在菜單上的開放式問題之中徘徊,應邀將他們的痕跡添加到轉盤上的收藏之中。

The table is set. However, there is no cutlery or food here. Sticky notes and pens adorn each place alongside a laminated menu, featuring questions instead of foods. Written notes cover the turntable in the centre. With a wandering look between the open-ended questions on the menu, visitors are invited to add their traces to those collected on the turntable.

the table setting

the table setting

view of the projection on the roof

view of the projection on the roof

As the curious gaze detaches from the table, the audience discover projections illuminating the ceiling of the pavilion. Words and symbols from the turntable become a cloud of interconnected points in a slow choreography of moving links.

在離開的時候,觀眾會經過一個小櫃檯,那裡有一台收據機,邀請人們「結帳」。 按下按鈕即可列 印收據,向觀眾獻上可以隨身攜帶的,這街邊 攤位桌邊小聚的痕跡。

When time comes to leave the audience pass a small counter, where a receipt machine invites to “check out“. At the push of a button, a receipt is printed. Offering the audience to take the collated traces of the table with them.

Surrounded by traces. Whether their origins are internal or external, all of these traces are deeply tied to the traces of others. In turn forming a collective system of memory, which exerts influence on groups and individuals, often in unforeseen ways. Within the space, visitors are invited to introspect, connect and leave traces, engaging as much as they would like. Whether active or passive, constructive or destructive, loud or quiet, present or past, all members of the collective contribute to this larger system of memory.



the check-out counter after a while

the check-out counter after a while

a view behind the curtains

a view behind the curtains