
interactive graphic poster on hate speech designed for three screens at Museum für Gestaltung Zürich in collaboration with University of Zürich

mentors: Luke Franzke, Rebecca Morganti-Pfaffhauser in collaboration with: Lars Ziegler
exhibited at: Planet Digital @ Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

a person standing in front of the screens at the exhibition

a person standing in front of the screens at the exhibition


HATE and the feeling of hatred, especially against groups and peoples often stems from a very deep-rooted fear of otherness. This angst of opening up and interacting with one another about differences in culture or interests leads to ever deeper misunderstandings. The HEAT of an argument, heat from a fire, the sun’s heat – although sometimes greatly de- structive, is what has the potential to bring us to a new level of understanding and tolerance.


On the basis of the ongoing study on hate-speech by the Department of Political Science at University of Zurich we developped posters as a class concerning hate speech on the internet.
We approached the topic by finding anagrams linked to hate speech and landed on HATE – HEAT.
For the exhibition ‘planet digital’ we designed an interactive poster for three screens and motion tracking using p5.js.

code-snippet for drawing the letter T

code-snippet for drawing the letter T

The typeface was designed by ourselves and aimed to evoke a feeling of ‘hate-nostalgia’, drawing inspiration from the political posters by hubertus design for the campaign against the “durchsetzungs-initiative”. The movement of the letters was chosen to conjure the feeling of breathing, living things so as to simulate the closeness to real-life that persists. Code written by Luke Franzke was used to get the information of the motion detection to map onto our design.


the letters and their code-snippets

the letters and their code-snippets

the different formats of the letter A

the different formats of the letter A