in remembrance

an audio-visual-haptic installation talking about childhood and the protection of something as soft as a pillow-fort

mentors: Ricardo Eizirik, Zainab Lascandri Erbudak
in collaboration with: Larissa Platz, Aparupa Saha, Vincent van der Donk, Lucy Ho Tsz Long

a viewer inside the final exhibition

a viewer inside the final exhibition


In their work, the group draws its essence from the childhood icon of a pillow fort, that everyone has experienced in some form or the other. The work comprises of a deconstructed visual and experiential installation of a pillow fort, with accompanying background sounds and vocals inside. They generate a feeling of being protected inside of a fort, but with a keen awareness of the exposed lower half outside of the fort, thereby emphasizing the dichotomy and duality of a protective regime that also encompasses, quite unavoidably and not always in a desirable manner, the concept of separation and boundaries.


our group sharing childhood stories inside a pillow-fort we built

our group sharing childhood stories inside a pillow-fort we built

in the recording studio

in the recording studio