in context of: Transcultural Collaboration 2023
mentors: Ricardo Eizirik, Zainab Lascandri Erbudak
with: Larissa Platz, Aparupa Saha, Vincent van der Donk, Lucy Ho Tsz Long
a viewer inside the final exhibition
In their work, the group draws its essence from the childhood icon of a pillow fort, that everyone has experienced in some form or the other. The work comprises of a deconstructed visual and experiential installation of a pillow fort, with accompanying background sounds and vocals inside. They generate a feeling of being protected inside of a fort, but with a keen awareness of the exposed lower half outside of the fort, thereby emphasizing the dichotomy and duality of a protective regime that also encompasses, quite unavoidably and not always in a desirable manner, the concept of separation and boundaries.
The hollow structure that one can stand underneath of is hanging from the gallery ceiling like a protec9ve shelter to climb underneath. The outside has a patchwork of quilts, sheets, printed blankets, a pillow draped around it – everything that goes into construc9ng a tradi9onal pillow fort. Reminiscence of childhood play9me with mismatched fabrics, whatever one could gather from around the house. Once inside, one can see the sound shower at the top which is the source of sound and voices, inside the structure. The installa9on is complete with the addi9on of a sugges9ve pair of shoes outside the structure, at a slight distance. It is intended to encourage a par9cipant to remove shoes before entering the ‘fort’. As a par9cipant steps under the ‘pillow fort’ an onlooker can see a human form that is half covered under a protec9ve structure and exposed on the other half. A simultaneous feeling of feeling of being safely cocooned as well as being exposed with feet bare and pressed against the cold floor.
our group sharing childhood stories inside a pillow-fort we built
in the recording studio